Ariana Le Fay


Tommy Wozniak


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Sony Music Entertainment

Vocals, harp, piano, composing


Lead and rhythm guitar, composing

Music at Cologne University of Music, Philosophy at University of Bonn


Music at State University of Music New York, Musicology (Medieval Music) at University of Zurich





Collaboration with other professional musicians or artist is possible for song and video production. Please contact us if you are interested.






The band DRAGONTOR was founded in the summer of 2016 when Tommy Wozniak and Ariana Le Fay found each other on social media. Both were looking for musicians at the time, to produce self-written songs. Although Tommy came from metal and Ariana from medieval/folk, their pieces had the same style, the same spirit. So they decided to produce an album together. Ariana lived in the Seven Hills (Germany) at the time and showed Tommy the castles, the ruins and the beautiful places of nature in the Seven Hills. Intrigued by this, Tommy also moved to the Seven Hills and so they not only founded the band but also the "Legends of Seven Hills" project. The new songs were supposed to tell stories from the Seven Hills and the band was named after the "Drachenfels", the most famous mountain of the Seven Hills. "Tor" is an old English word that means "Rock". And "Fels" is the german word for "Rock". "Dragontor" is the translation of "Drachenfels", this famous mountain of the Seven Hills.


The already written Songs were included in the concept and many new songs were created. The radius was also extended to other historical and legendary regions of Germany. After a long period of developing the DRAGONTOR sound, the first album was finally released in October 2022. With the cover song "Carol of the Bells" as a single DRAGONTOR has attracted international attention and achieved over a quarter of a million views on YouTube. They are currently working on the second album and more videos for YouTube.





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